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SCUBAJET is ready for 2019 with the new website design

Right on time for this year’s holiday season we dressed up the virtual presence of our most flexible waterjet and world’s smallest dive scooter festively. Therefor we redesigned the whole website including the shop page.


Why has the website been relaunched?

We want to create a holistic experience for all visitors of our website. So it became clear to us, that we have to implement the shop page directly into the website. Before, the shop has been available under a separate domain.

Now it does not only blaze in its new design, but enables an even more convenient shopping experience on all pages of our website and our landing pages. Hence, when you read up on our products on our website, you are now able to buy the products directly in the appropriate section of the page. Moreover, we were able to implement a new filter on the shop summary page, so all our products can now be displayed at once. By developing this new structure, you gain a clearer view about our products even easier than before.

The new website design is more user-friendly and offers a whole lot of fun and action – all in the same tenor of SCUBAJET. With small features and animations we explain and display all advantages of our powerful waterjet and smallest dive scooter. New animated 3D models of the SCUBAJET show its technical innovations in an entertaining way. So you find all the information you need at one click.


Treat yourself with a present this Christmas!

This year’s SCUBAJET Christmas Special is click-worthy as well. You get a discount on all Dive and SUP Packages! But there is even more! We are acting as Santa and give you a 1500 lumen LED lamp to your discounted SCUBAJET Package worth 260 € / 299 $. So you save up to 400 $. Ain’t that a reason for treating yourself this Christmas? Order your SCUBAJET package now until Dec 24th, 2018 and you’ll receive it by beginning of 2019.

And we got one more bonus for your: Subscribe now to our newsletter, make sure you don’t miss any special offers and save 5% on your next order with the voucher code we send you as a thank-you note.

After our successful website redesign, the SCUBAJET will undergo some major changes. Stay tuned for more great things to come!