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The second batch is on its way

The second batch is on its way

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A few weeks ago, the time we waited almost four years, and especially the past 12 months, finally arrived. The first small batch of SCUBAJETs left our Headquarters and was delivered to some of our early supporters and customers. You can hardly imagine what a relieved moment it was and what this meant to us as a company, and especially the individuals who worked their asses off, including evenings, weekends, and sometimes without  sleep.
One of our first supporters plunged right into Lake Woerth – at a water temperature of 8 °C (~40 °F) – and went for a dive with his new SCUBAJET.
Wolfgang Falk with Scubajet

On the other side of the world and in a friendlier climate, a scuba diver and world record holding freediver Christian Redl tested his brand new SCUBAJET at the Maldive Islands.
World famous freediver Christian Redl with the SCUBAJET on Maldives

Receiving positive feedback afterwards, getting photos, some nice comments and seeing the SCUBAJET in use was one of the most emotional experiences in our company’s short history. It all comes down to the fact that a very intense year of hard work finally paid off, and our experiences are something we want to share with you now.

After some weeks of gathering feedback, doing more tests and optimizations, we are very proud to hit another milestone. Today the second batch was ready to be shipped and has just left our headquarters in Austria and even during the festive Holiday season, we will not stand still. Our goal is to fulfill all outstanding orders as soon as possible.

SCUBAJET packages - shipping second batch

We would like to thank the many customers, dealers, and others that have been involved with start-ups around the world, that appreciate the challenging and unpredictable aspects of bringing a highly innovative product to market. To recap, 2017 was a very turbulent year full of excitement, learning, new discoveries, innovation and also some temporary setbacks. Taking an innovative idea from prototype to serial production turned out to be a more elaborate process, with longer schedules and challenges than we projected, but we are finally there.

We want to thank you for your support, your faith in our company, and your remarkable patience. You are part of a worldwide innovation and you have helped us in so many ways. Thanks to you, we are able to look back on a challenging but still successful year 2017 and we are looking forward to an even more successful 2018.

We wish you a wonderful Holiday Season with your loved ones,